Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Power Of Red Lipstick: Does red make a woman more attractive?

Lips are the visible body part at the mouth of humans. Lips are soft, movable, and serve as the opening for food intake and in the articulation of sound and speech. Human lips are tactile sensory organ, and can be erogenous when used in kissing and other acts of intimacy.
In 2008, psychologist Andrew Elliot and colleagues at the University of Rochester showed that men perceive women in red to be more attractive and sexually desirable than those wearing other colors. Elliot documented that men sit closer to women in red and ask them intimate questions…He posits that men see women in red as ready and willing, and that this sexual receptiveness is what makes them attractive and desirable.
The most obvious example of red as a sexual are in nature is a familiar one. Increased blood flow during ovulation allows female baboons, chimps, rhesus monkeys and other non-human primates to display red coloration on their faces, genitals and hindquarters, signaling to males that they’re fertile and ready to mate. While this is pretty convincing on its own, there’s another example hits closer to home: during human ovulation, hormonal shifts cause our skin-tone to lighten and blood flow to increase under the skin. Adam Pazda, the study’s lead author and a graduate student in Elliot’s lab, says these changes could make blushing more prevalent when women are most fertile, which could have predisposed men to interpret red as a sign of sexual readiness.
The power of red is an old tried and tested fact. This power was proved yet again by a study conducted in France by researchers. Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob of the Université de Bretagne Sud. The study suggests that a waitress wearing, red lipstick earns more tips from male customers than waitresses not wearing red lipstick. However, this doesn’t hold true when it comes to female customers.
Researchers associated the rise in tips from male customers with red lips being “associated with an indication of estrogen levels, sexual arousal and health”, according to the TIMES in UK.
The reputation of red lipstick is inextricably linked to the woman with confidence. So many women have tended to shy away from the red lipstick on the grounds that it doesn’t suit them or only certain loose girls can pull it off. Believe it or not, there comes a time when every woman is faced with the question: Do I want to shine or do I want to remain a wallflower? Red lipstick is for every woman and its an initiation that challenges every woman to find their feminine power and learn to carry themselves with grace and confidence. Think of movie stars like GRACE KELLY and SOPHIA LOREN! If they can wear it, you can! All you need to do is step out of your comfort zone and take a risk!

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