Thursday, December 25, 2014


On this Joyous day, and throughout the New Year, may your life be filled with joy, happiness, love, abundance and well being and may each new day bring you moments to cherish.

Its like the thoughts you choose, no matter what you choose, are the gift you give to the Universe and others.
And the Universe's gift to you is the manifestation, no matter what you think. So choose love, joy, wellness, abundance, happiness and a positive uplifting attitude and you will turn your life into heaven.
It is a wonderful world my friends and I am so glad you're in it!

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone. May the light of love shine upon you and may your life be filled with blessings forever.

I love you and I appreciate you ALL



P.S: If you find yourself feeling any kind of discomfort or stress, please click on the link below and start tapping. It takes less than 5 minutes and you can do it anywhere you want to. Have fun!

Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Cope With Stress, Trauma,diseases and Anything UNWANTED!

It may seem sometimes like there’s nothing you can do about negative circumstances in your life. Stress, emotional and physical pain, trauma, bills won’t stop coming, never getting more time for yourself and your career and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have more control than you might think. In fact, the simple realization that you’re in control of your life can be the solution to all your problems.

Having a happy, healthy life is easy, it is all about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, the way you look at things and how you deal with life’s challenges.

Today, I am going to share with you one of the best methods you can use to help you cope with stress, trauma, depression, physical diseases, emotional pains, addictions and almost anything unwanted… It is called THOUGHT FIELD THERAPY, or TFT, by Dr Roger Callahan.



Thought Field Therapy is defined as:
“… A treatment that when applied to psychological problem an individual is focusing upon will modify discrete information patterns in the thought field, the fundamental cause of all negative emotions.”


Thought Field Therapy, or TFT, is a non-invasive brief therapy technique that has been developed and refined over the past 40 years by the late California Psychologist, Dr Roger Callahan. During a Thought Field Therapy Session, the patient is asked to think about a specific issue that is troublesome. This is commonly as anxiety, a phobia, past trauma, loss, love pain, grief, stress, or feelings of anger, depression or physical pain. (Typically, the patient has been stuck in these feelings for a long time and knows that their feelings are irrational, but other therapies have not helped.)

The patient is then asked to quantify their feelings on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 representing the most intense feelings of upset. Next, the patient is asked to tap on his or her own body in specific places, or energy points, in a specific order.

The more surprising thing for patients and therapist alike is that, despite their original skepticism, most patients report that TFT really does work.

“This work is not like any other psychological approach. I believe that we have found the basic cause of psychological problems. The underlying cause is unrelated to other previous theories. Unlike a placebo, you don’t have to believe in the treatments; as you will see they work even if you don’t believe in them!” – Dr. Roger Callahan


Some of the benefits of Thought Field Therapy are:

-Immediate relief from suffering.

-No adverse side effects (it is completely safe and effective and can be applied to adults, children and pets).

-Does not require you to talk about your problem in great depth (something that often causes considerable distress or embarrassment, which discourages many people from seeking treatment in the first place.)

-Doesn’t take a long time to do it.

-Can be done anywhere…

-Can be used on anything that is causing the person to feel upset or discomfort.

-Works on emotional and physical pains.


People use TFT for a variety of reasons including:

-Anxiety, stress and depression.

-Phobias and panic attacks.


-Physical pains, including cancer.

-Psychological trauma.

-Grief and feelings of loss.


-For weight loss.

-To cope with emotional eating disorder.

-Nail biting.

-Anger and low self esteem.

-Love pain and other emotional pains.

-To release your fears.

And more…


If you’re feeling upset, hurt, in pain or any kind of discomfort, just tape. TFT is the best tool you can use to overcome all your problems.

The video below will show you, step by step, exactly how to tape: 

Download the FREE  “TFT Tapping Points Chart PDF” here: 


To know more about how TFT can help patients with cancer and other physical diseases, please download the free audio below: 

And to know more about THOUGHT FIELD THERAPY and how you can use it to change your life for the better, please check the list of books below:


I want to thank my boyfriend Jonathan who shared  YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMANDwith me and showed me how to use the Thought Field Therapy to change my life for the better. He guided me, step by step, and offered me all the tools, information and guidance I needed to learn about the Law Of Attraction, TFT, The teachings of Kevin Trudeau, Bashar, Abraham Hicks…And helped me unlock the power within me. 

I am so thankful and appreciative for everything he did for me and still does. I am so lucky and blessed to have him in my life


Go here to get more ‘TFT’ free stuff: 


And Download this Doc to read more about TFT: 

  Click here

 Hope you really enjoyed this post, 

Have a wonderful day and see you soon!

