Tuesday, August 12, 2014


"What attracts people to us is that spark. We are attracted to each other’s energy (vibration). It doesn’t mean that people don’t care about the way we look, of course they do – to a certain degree- depend on who they are and what they think… But it does mean that our energy (vibration) is far more important than the way we look. We often forget this because we’ve picked up the belief that we are only worthy of love if we look a certain way. As a result, when we don’t feel beautiful we shrink to avoid rejection (pain).

In other words, by holding on to the negative beliefs about us and the way we look , and believing that the only way to be worthy of love is to look a certain way, we rob ourselves of the love that is all around us.

For example, a woman with confidence is hypnotic. A smile is mesmerizing. Presence, openness, a sense of humor- these are only a few qualities of the things that make a woman attractive. We’ve all experienced the presence of someone who walks in and lights up a room. It’s never about their looks but about their energy (vibration). Allow yourself to light up the room by being your BEAUTIFUL SELF."

Much LOVE, 