Monday, February 24, 2014

FROM A DATE TO A SOUL MATE: How To Approach Someone And Strike Up A Conversation?

In this article you will learn how to stay in a state that allows you to make the best choices for you, without any limitations holding you back, you will attract someone like yourself and have more confidence.

Before we start, keep in mind that nobody is perfect.
Don’t take it too seriously it isn’t the be all and end all. Think about the worst that could happen and also the best. Approach people you don’t find attractive to build confidence, and then approach people of the same sex to get into the swing of networking…

Be yourself and don’t get stressed….



1-    Take Care Of Your Body:
Take pride in the way you look. Remember you want to make a good first impression. Appeal to all of her sense, by your voice, clothing, fragrance and appearance.

2-    Take An Interest In Her:
Ask her about her interests, her hobbies, and what she does for a living. Pay attention to any details she might offer. Be sincere and open with her. Listen patiently and alertly to what she has to say (she needs to feel that you hang on her every word). Respond to what she says with respect for her opinions.

3-    Take The Lead:
Show her that you’re different from the other men out there. Show your originality though your behavior, intelligence and personality. Never pretend to be anyone other than yourself if you want to attract a woman who will want a long-term relationship with you. Don’t boat, and obviously don’t brag about your exploits with other women. Leave her to imagine some things about you. She doesn’t need to hear your life’s story with women. Women like an air of mystery. It can be provocative and interesting.

4-     Keep Your Promises:
Keep your promises to her. Be sure you call her when you’ve said you will, and show up when you’ve told her you will. Respect her time.

5-    Compliment And Flirt With Her:
Compliment her in moderation. Flirt subtly with her, using body language to send her silent signals. Make her feel like she is in the center of your world. Make sure she is the only one you are focused on, and black out any distractions.

6-    Have Standard Of Value:
There is only one standard which needs to be the one you assess your self-worth by and that’s your own. There’s a funny thing about women: they can accept with a man who has the attitude approach “this is the man I am accept with it” and are positively turned on by that show of strength and confidence. It’s the “whatever you want my dear” weakness that causes them suspect you may not possess what it takes to protect her.

7-    Have A Sense Of Humor:
Laughter makes people feel more comfortable and happy. If you can make her laugh, you’re half way there.

8-    Be Open About Life:
The energy that people emit when they are excited about living is contagious and very attractive.

9-    Don’t Take Life Too Seriously:
Having the gift to be able to laugh at life and embrace it as an enjoyable experience. You don’t have to think about marriage every time you talk to a girl. If you can show her the sunny side of things, she will thank you for it.

 Being able to speak the truth is difficult and shows that you have accepted who you are as a person. It also shows that you don’t care what others think, which is very attractive.

     11-Have Experience:
Maturity can be very arousing to women; if you know what you’re doing she will appreciate it...

     12-Have An Opinion:
 No one likes a follower. If you have a conviction about something, stick with it. Make up your own mind about things and people will respect you.


1-    Just Breathe.

2-    Be Feminine Or Appear so:
There is this saying that the first impression is the lasting impression. Your appearance is the weapon you can use to quickly achieve this. Always try to look your best in terms of your neatness, clothes, hairstyle, makeup and fragrance. Stand up straight, walk gracefully, and carry yourself gently.

3-    Smile Often:
Smile is always the tool that charming ladies deploy to disarm the men they target. To get noticed and at the same time, attract a man, smile is one very important trick a woman can use.

4-    Be yourself:
Be a confident woman! Be yourself and remain yourself always! Show your man the character behind the figure he’s seeing or he wants to relate with. Let him know you have a mind of your own. Let him know you’re not a band-wagon person. Let him know you’re different from the pack. And you’ve attracted that man, believe me!

5-    Make Him Feel Special:
Are you serious about attracting a man? Then, you need to make him feel like he’s the president of the United States. Make him feel important by listening empathetically when he’s talking. Give him appropriate compliments and chip in your own opinions with respect, not with the intention to outwit him or put him down.

6-    Have A Character:
Have the strength to do the right thing rather than what’s simply easy or convenient. Your character may not attract a man romantically at first, but it raises his respect for you, which is an important long-term ingredient in any relationship. When the time comes, be sure to give people a glimpse of your courage, honesty, determination, responsibility and wisdom.

7-    Have A Good Personality:
You can impress almost anybody with your enthusiasm, sweetness, kindness warmth, sincerity, generosity, sensitivity, cheerfulness, and passion.

8-    A Great Fit:
For a full-time love partnership, its important to have shared interests, values, passions, and dreams. A great fir s evidenced in the natural balance between talking and listening. Two people who fit well together often have the same sense of humor and seem to have an uncanny way of bringing out the best in each other.

9-    Get Your Life In Order:
When men start to date someone, they’re often thinking about marriage and who’s going to be the mother of their kids. So if you’re the kind of women who seem to always have problems, always creating drama, and can’t seem to handle her life properly isn’t someone they are going to want to be with for long. So if you’re serious about attracting that special guy, get your life in order.

10-Be Funny:
If you can make a guy laugh, you look like you’ll be fun to be with and his interest in you has already gone up a notch.

11-Don’t Be Too Serious:
Men like a woman who is laidback, fun to be with, doesn’t cause a lot of drama, likes hanging out with guys, and doesn’t put too much pressure on them. A cool woman has her own life and knows when to give a man some space.


“Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely…The hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.”

-Erich Fromm-

Talk about your values, and your ideal partner (this is a good way to see if the person likes you).

Go with the flow-flows make things easier-. The more you obsess about finding your perfect mate, the stronger message of “need” you send to the universe. You’ll enter every social situation with the expectation of meeting ‘the one’. If it doesn’t happen you’ll feel disappointed and you will send more negative energy to the universe.
Rather than obsessing about finding someone, you have to be willing to let go of your expectations. You must detach yourself from thinking about how and when it will all come about. That’s not easy to do, I know. But it’s necessary because otherwise, you continue to convey neediness and desperation to the universe- which is what you don’t want to do-.

So now you are beginning to understand what is required to find the perfect mate. If it seems like a lot of work, guess it is but look at the amazing lifestyle you will get from it. The amount of joy and happiness the level of intimacy it is well worth the price.

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