Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Detoxify Your Body Using Herbs

It is a well known fact that the atmosphere and the food we eat and drink are crammed with harmful chemicals that enter the body and add to the build up of toxins that hamper the proper functioning of the body. Add to this the pesticides and fumes we breathe in unknowingly adding to the build up of toxins. Before long the body will begin to reel under the effects of these harmful toxins and will need to be cleansed. This cleansing process is called detoxification.

Our bodies do have a 
natural cleansing mechanism and this works through the kidney and liver at times the system can become over burdened and may need some external help from us to clean out the circulatory and excretory systems of the body. Some of the processes practiced for detoxification is prolonged fasting ( all known ways of fasting )... But best way is to resort to a detox diet assisted with detox body herbs as well.

Since the immune system is the mechanism that defends the body from disease, toxins cause the person to fall ill as the immune system is the first to be affected by harmful levels of toxins in the system. This is why it is necessary to remove the toxins from the body through a detox process. The benefits of detox herbs is not unknown to the medical fraternity as a potent way to detoxify the system. These are the best and the most natural way to detoxify the system and instill a feeling of well being.

Some of the detoxifying herbs used to cleanse the system are:


Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks and seeds contain a high content of fiber that gently functions as a natural laxative. It can be used after soaking its seeds in water. Generally, psyllim is considered to be adaptogenic that supports healthy bowel functions. It can also be used in treating irritable bowel diseases like diarrhea. Its gelatinous substance absorbs toxins after soaking and hence is popularly used for body detoxification. 

Gravel root (Joe pye weed)
Gravel root (Joe pye weed) and Hydrangea root help in dissolving, expelling and preventing crystals and stones in the kidneys and bladder. It is necessary to ensure that your kidneys are free from any obstructions that can affect the good working condition that is required for the elimination of toxins.


Cascara sagrada

Cascara sagrada is also used as a natural laxative. It helps in strengthening the colon muscles and is safe even when used for a longer duration.



Alder buckthorn’s bark

Alder buckthorn’s bark is another substance used but it necessary to first dry it and store it for a year at least as the fresh barks are too strong and can be toxic.


 Juniper berries

Juniper berries promote the overall health of the urinary system. It strengthens and detoxifies the urinary tract, kidneys and the bladder. It is an excellent cleanser but should not be used for a prolonged period of time as it can cause overtaxing in the kidneys.


 Nettle helps in detoxification and has properties that apply to more than just the urinary system. However over use of nettle can display the same effects as juniper berries.


Burdock roots

Burdock roots and seeds have similar properties as nettle. It has cleansing and mild diuretic properties but also has stronger effects. Burdock can help in the removal of heavy metals in the body.

Cypress, celery, basil, lemon, rosemary, fennel, patchouli and thyme contain oils that are essential for the effective flushing of toxins that are present under the skin. They also stimulate circulation of the lymph.


Milk thistle and dandelion root
Milk thistle and dandelion root help in strengthening and cleansing the liver. Silymarin, which is present in milk thistle, helps in not only protecting the liver but also in its regeneration. Waste products present in the kidneys and gallbladder are removed by dandelion root.

The main source of toxins for humans is the pollution in the air and the toxins present in the processed food we eat. Due to a lack of time people are turning more and more to processed foods not realizing the health hazard they are exposing themselves to. Toxins need to be purged from the system and many people are doing this twice a year. Doctors emphasize that the need to detoxify our system is indeed necessary, however, the more natural the process the better it will be.

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