Tuesday, February 25, 2014

THE POWER OF ATTRACTION: The Mysterious Power Of Thoughts

We all have two natures. One wants us to progress and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on more is the one that will win at the end. The will alone can do miracles. A person by one supreme effort of the will may change his/her whole life. You may be that person, you can be if you want to be, for will can find a way or make one.

“Through our paltry stir and strife, glows the wished ideal, and longing molds in clay, what life carves in the marble real.”

We often hear people spoken of as idealists. The fact is we are all idealists to a certain extent, and upon the ideals we picture, depends our ultimate success. We must have the mental image if we are to produce the material things. Everything is first created in the mind.

When we control our thoughts we become deliberate creators ( we are already creators) . We receive divine ideas and shape them to our individual needs. Everything in this world is to us just what we think it is. We are responsible for every condition we go through, either consciously or unconsciously. Our happiness and success depend upon our ideals.

Concentrate on what you want and it will become material actualities. Through concentration we workout our ideals in physical life. Our future depends upon the thoughts we are forming now: your past thoughts are determing your present. Therefore, if you want a bright future, you must begin to prepare for it today.

We can choose whether we want to allow our diviner self to control us or whether we will be controlled by the brute within us. No one has to do anything he/she doesn’t want to do. We are the directors of our lives. What we are to do, is the result of our training.

I don’t believe in the saying that opportunity knocks at our door but once in a lifetime. The truth is, opportunities are everywhere around us, we just have to allow ourselves to see them. In this day one person’s brain is matched against another’s. It is usually the quickness of brain action that determines the result. One person says ‘I will do it’, and other goes ahead and does the work. Both sides have the same opportunity. But one will succeeded and the other will complain of his/her lost chance. But it should teach him/her a lesson if he/she is seeking the path that leads to success.

Many people read great books, meet great people, and listen to great coaches, but they say they don’t get much good out of them. They don’t realize that those books or people are just here to awaken them to their possibilities, to encourage them to use their will power. Those books, people and lessons can only lead the person to the fountain of opportunities, but they can’t make that person enjoy the results of his/her success.
Life is always offering us opportunities to improve ourselves. But whether we do it or not depends upon how near we live up to what is expected of us.

Once in a while, sit down and examine the progress that you have made. If you didn’t get what you wanted, discover the reason why and learn what you need to get it next time.

Every time we fall behind what we planned to do, we lose just so much for that time is gone forever. We may find a reason for not doing it, but most excuses are poor substitutes for action. Everything is possible.

Remember the harder the task, the greater the reward. It is the difficult things that really develop us, anything that requires only a small effort, utilizes very few of our faculties and yields a scantly harvest of achievement. So don’t be afraid of challenge you face to reach your goals. The more challenge you face to reach your goals, the more success you get in life.

In the next post, we will discuss how to use the power of law of attraction to get what you want in life.

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